Benefits of Meal Prep

Meal prep is the best way to save money, time and also those extra unwanted calories. Here are the main benefits of why meal prep is beneficial for your health and lifestyle.


First off you will be saving some cash. Meal prepping is a great way to save money as you will be able to buy your items in bulk and take advantage of making all meals and freezing them for convenience. This is great for people who are time conscious and need their time throughout the week for priorities that maybe more important.


When you have meals ready to go, there will be no more standing in front of the fridge deciding what to cook for dinner tonight or what to eat for lunch and for some of us we are guilty to just stop into the bakery or a local café to get something off the menu. When you don’t prepare your meals, you tend to buy something and normally it tends to be something that’s not good for you. Everyone knows how stressful it can be when you’re hungry and frantic thinking about what to eat for dinner. If you have a meal pre-made you can easily just heat this up once you get home.


By eating the right foods you can eliminate the stress in your body and mind. What you put in is what your body will be putting out, as long as you are eating right with the nutrients needed you will definitely decrease your stress levels.


Stop yourself going to the fast food run. If you have meals ready at home you can save yourself from those drive thrus! “Imagine an old-fashioned pie into pieces. More than a quarter (26 percent) of the food-spending pie is now spent in restaurants and on ready-to-eat meals, such as takeaway hot drinks and takeaway pizzas (compared with 23 percent in 2014). About one-third of the pie (34 percent) goes on grocery foods (compared with 37 percent in 2014)” credit from Statistics NZ 2017.


Plan ahead with meal prep. You will be able to write down what you need to stay organized and do one big supermarket shop, instead of doing a couple of trips of not knowing what you need.

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