Fat Loss 101

Learn more about your macros, carbs, and fats!

The most common want amongst people wanting to embark on a journey of health is to lose body fat, so that they can feel more comfortable, happy and healthy within themselves.

Each meal comprises macronutrients, which are the fats, carbs and proteins within food. These are individual to each person and their goals and can vary hugely depending on a number of factors.


Carbohydrates are the primary energy source in the body, they include foods such as banana, kumara, rice and bread. Consuming too many carbohydrates generally leads to fat storage around the mid-section area.


Protein is the building block for everything in the body – muscle, immune cells, enzymes and organs. Protein-rich foods include meat, fish, dairy and eggs. While some people think that eating large amounts of protein will not affect their fat-loss goals, this is not the case – excess protein is converted into glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis.


Fats aid with sex hormone production, skin, vitamin absorption, leptin levels and gut bacteria. Fat helps improve mood and sugar cravings, as well as supports good cholesterol levels.


Small but frequent meals are an effective way to keep your metabolism firing, staving off hunger and controlling blood sugar which means steady energy levels and a balanced appetite throughout the day.


Eating voluminous food and vegetables with fibre in your main meals will help keep you fuller for longer and aid bowel health. These include green vegetables such as broccoli, green beans and salad.


As a very generalised rule, weight loss guidelines for a female on a fat loss journey is 1600-1800 calories, for a male, it would be anywhere from 1800-2000 calories. As a rule, use your fist to estimate a serving size and try to consume 2 x servings of fruit, at least 3 x vegetables, 2 x meat/dairy and 2 x complex carbohydrates.

However, when it comes down to it, consistency is the number one key when it comes to effective fat loss. No diet or lifestyle change will work unless you are willing to eliminate excuses and chose to make the right, consistent choices towards your goals. Research shows the most effective diet is the one you can stick to.

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